Big News: You Can Now Find Us at Southwest Plaza!
Find us at makers' market at southwest plaza mall!
We're Excited to Bring Our Local Colorado Apparel to One of Colorado's Landmark Shopping Centers!
We've been saying for a while now that we're on a quest for world domination, and we're starting with Colorado. We love our home state so much, and are so excited to see 1876 Apparel growing every day. We're so thankful for Willow: An Artisan's Market in Historic Downtown Littleton for giving us our very first 1876-branded space - affectionately deemed 1876 | Basecamp - more than 5 years ago. Since then, we've brought our local Colorado apparel to 3 breweries and 6 stores, the newest of which is in Makers Market at Southwest Plaza.
Since 2015, Makers Market has showcased thousands of local Colorado artists, artisans, and makers, and has given them a chance to showcase their wares in a high-traffic setting, where they get tons of exposure. They also make it a lot easier for Colorado shoppers and tourists looking to take back a piece of our State of Exploration to find local, handmade goods from Colorado vendors. We couldn't be more excited to be a part of this wonderful collective.
Our Personal Connection with Southwest Plaza
Our President and Founder, Nick, has some very special memories of Southwest Plaza. For Colorado natives, Southwest Plaza was a part of growing up. Here's what he had to say: Hey, it’s Nick, Founder and President of 1876. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with Southwest Plaza Mall. I mean, think about it: Santa was there in the winters; it was the only place to get Chick-Fil-A at the time; and there were still toy stores - lots of them. When I was still young enough to be pushed around in a stroller, I’d bug my mom constantly: “Go da mall? Lil bit? Go da mall? Lil bit?” It was my little kid mecca.
The History of Southwest Plaza Mall
Colorado's Southwest Plaza mall opened in November 1986 with 5 anchor stores, 150+ retail stores, and underground and above-ground parking. It was originally designed as an outdoor strip mall, but plans changed in order to better compete in the retail environment it was entering - with shopping centers like Cinderella City, Villa Italia, and Aurora Mall.

1876 Apparel at southwest plaza mall
Makers Market is a collection of Colorado-local businesses on the first floor of Southwest Plaza Mall, and we’ve set up a totally-1876 space inside it!
With all the new and amazing products we’ll be releasing over the next couple of months, it’ll be your one-stop shop for getting the perfect fall layers (and, of course, your perfect holiday gift shopping destination). Swing by and check out what we’re up to!
No time to stop by? You can always grab your fall layers and Christmas gifts online.
About 1876 Apparel
From gold rushes to tech rushes, the spirit of Colorado has called out to adventurers and dreamers for generations. 1876 apparel is made for anyone drawn to answer that call. Locally owned and designed, every piece is specifically produced to celebrate our great state and the explorers who love it.
We're Nick, Lauren & Kaylee - a trio of Colorado natives out to do something different, and better. Based out of Littleton, CO since 2013, we launched the modern version of just in time for 2017. In 2019 we focused our sights on wholesale expansion, and eventual world domination.
If you want to reach us, here's how:
Need Support?:
Interested in wholesale?:
Nick - President: nick@1876.CO
Lauren: lauren@1876.CO
Kaylee: kaylee@1876.CO
Thanks for your support! We rely 100% on our friends to spread the word and keep us exploring!